Detox Juicer Recipes - 3 Killer Juices of the Star's Weight Loss Secrets

Do you ever wonder how the film and TV stars we see every day manage to keep so slim and trim? What do they do differently to you and I to help them maintain their incredible good looks?

Here you will learn 3 secret juices, that are a staple component of their everyday eating plans. The simplicity of this will startle you.

\"Weight Loss Secrets\"

They combine their normal diet with three exotic fruit and berry juices, that are available to just about anyone. The reason they do this, is that they are well aware, that the start of a healthy slim body, is a body that is not clogged up with toxins.

Detox Juicer Recipes - 3 Killer Juices of the Star's Weight Loss Secrets

So their primary method of success, is to firstly eliminate toxins, to enable the body to function at its optimum. Then they are shrewd enough, to combine the toxin removing juices with those that also enhance their internal organ well being.

3 Such foods have achieved a reputation for being exceptional in this regard.

1. Noni-Berries
These exotic berries, have the envious property of not only being a brilliant detoxifying agent, but also contains a large amount of dietary fiber as well as carbohydrates. All this aids in the elimination process. A high vitamin C count provides additional protection from infections.

2. Acai-berries
These berries are about the size of a grape, contain anti oxidants and other naturally stimulating components, reported to enhance vitality, sexuality and general energy levels.

3. Mangosteen - "The Super fruit"
Branded as a miracle functional food since its rise in popularity, this is another exotic fruit that is again a great antioxidant, with high fiber and carbohydrate content. The only problem with this so called miracle fruit is that over consumption to lose weight can have some side effects.

Detox Juicer Recipes - 3 Killer Juices of the Star's Weight Loss Secrets

The secret is to add these as an additional or substitute to a normal everyday healthy juicing regimen for the greatest effect. Read more at

Read more general information on Detoxification And Juicers.